Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Portugal Europe's West Coast

Branding Places

Saturday, December 15, 2007

Thursday, December 13, 2007

EU Treaty

clipped from news.bbc.co.uk
EU leaders sign the Lisbon Treaty in Jeronimos monastery, Lisbon

EU leaders sign landmark treaty

The document, signed at a ceremony at the city's historic Jeronimos Monastery, also scraps veto powers in many policy areas.
It is a replacement for the EU constitution, which was abandoned following French and Dutch opposition.
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Lisbon Treaty

Thursday, December 06, 2007

Aulas MT

clipped from www.yugma.com




Meeting Id

Fundamentos de MarketingFrancisco CoelhoFriday, 07 December 2007 07:35 PM  [(GMT) Greenwich Mean Time : Dublin, Edinburgh]134-049-898
Fundamentos de MarketingFrancisco CoelhoThursday, 06 December 2007 07:35 PM  [(GMT) Greenwich Mean Time : Dublin, Edinburgh]134-073-806
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Estudo Roper

clipped from www.hipersuper.pt
GfK introduz Portugal no Roper

Victor Jorge

6 de Dezembro de 2007

A GfK Metris, empresa de estudos de mercado do grupo GfK, apresentou ontem o Estudo Roper que retrata de forma ampla a opinião e o comportamento dos consumidores. O estudo Roper faz a análise do consumidor português num comparativo internacional sobre o estado do País, tempos livres e estilos de vida, valores pessoais, poder das marcas, redes de influência social, comportamento e decisão de compra, bebidas, assuntos relacionados com a juventude, comunicação social e publicidade, tecnologia e telecomunicações, beleza e automóveis.

Através do estudo é possível verificar que os portugueses são os que menos procuram produtos novos no mercado, que somente 35% compra produtos e serviços de marcas conhecidas ou de confiança.

Nas bebidas, o Roper da GfK revela que 30 a 49% dos entrevistados consomem diariamente água engarrafada com/sem gás, baixando esse valor (-30%) nos sumos de fruta, subindo, contudo, no café (50-69%).

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Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Aula AV

clipped from www.yugma.com




Meeting Id

Fundamentos de MarketingFrancisco CoelhoTuesday, 04 December 2007 07:05 PM  [(GMT) Greenwich Mean Time : Dublin, Edinburgh]133-819-608
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Thursday, November 29, 2007

Aula MT

clipped from www.yugma.com




Meeting Id

Fundamentos de MarketingFrancisco CoelhoFriday, 30 November 2007 07:35 PM  [(GMT) Greenwich Mean Time : Dublin, Edinburgh]133-334-001
Fundamentos de MarketingFrancisco CoelhoThursday, 29 November 2007 07:35 PM  [(GMT) Greenwich Mean Time : Dublin, Edinburgh]133-315-631
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Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Aulas AV

clipped from www.yugma.com




Meeting Id

Fundamentos de MarketingFrancisco CoelhoTuesday, 27 November 2007 07:00 PM  [(GMT) Greenwich Mean Time : Dublin, Edinburgh]133-137-717
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Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Antigas técnicas de marketing já não resultam

Philip Kotler, guru do marketing mundial

2006/11/21 01:05:00

Antigas técnicas de marketing já não resultam

Os responsáveis pelo marketing precisam de ganhar o respeito nas empresas onde estão e para isso há várias coisas que podem fazer: não virar as costas ao departamento de vendas, apostar na relação com o CFO e usar técnicas de marketing mais sofisticadas, abandonando as que já estão fora de moda.

Carla Castro

Estas foram ideias chave lançadas por Philip Kotler, um dos gurus do marketing mundial, que esteve em Lisboa para participar no Fórum Mundial Marketing e Vendas  2006.
“É preciso acabar com a guerra entre o marketing e as vendas. Têm que ser aliados”, defendeu o professor de Marketing Internacional na ‘Northwestern University Kellogg Graduate School of Management’ em Chicago. Porque “o marketing não se esgota na marca”, acrescentou.
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A pérola das arábias

A pérola das arábias: uma cidade sem carros, sem lixo e sem impostos

A primeira fase da cidade “zero emissões” estará pronta “antes de 2010” e vai ocupar seis milhões de metros quadrados de deserto. O Orçamento? É “ilimitado”.

Uma cidade com zero emissões de carbono. Zero desperdícios. Sem lixo, agressões ao ozono ou necessidade de separar embalagens usadas. E não estamos a pensar num planeta desabitado ou numa ilha virgem em que o Homem nunca pôs o pé. Falamos de uma cidade em que irão viver e trabalhar mais de 66 mil pessoas, as primeiras, talvez já em finais de 2009, e que será o primeiro local habitado no mundo com zero emissões de dióxido de carbono, o famoso CO2: bem vindos ao futuro em Abu Dhabi.  
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Aulas MT

clipped from www.yugma.com




Meeting Id

Fundamentos de MarketingFrancisco CoelhoFriday, 23 November 2007 07:30 PM  [(GMT) Greenwich Mean Time : Dublin, Edinburgh]132-591-402
Fundamentos de MarketingFrancisco CoelhoThursday, 22 November 2007 07:30 PM  [(GMT) Greenwich Mean Time : Dublin, Edinburgh]132-573-260
Fundamentos de MarketingFrancisco CoelhoThursday, 22 November 2007 02:30 PM  [(GMT) Greenwich Mean Time : Dublin, Edinburgh]132-528-122
Fundamentos de MarketingFrancisco CoelhoThursday, 22 November 2007 09:30 AM  [(GMT) Greenwich Mean Time : Dublin, Edinburgh]132-579-872
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Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Aula AV

clipped from www.yugma.com




Meeting Id

Fundamentos de MarketingFrancisco CoelhoTuesday, 20 November 2007 07:05 PM  [(GMT) Greenwich Mean Time : Dublin, Edinburgh]132-477-186
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Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Aulas MT

clipped from www.yugma.com
Fundamentos de MarketingFrancisco CoelhoFriday, 16 November 2007 07:35 PM  [(GMT) Greenwich Mean Time : Dublin, Edinburgh]131-889-833
Fundamentos de MarketingFrancisco CoelhoThursday, 15 November 2007 07:35 PM  [(GMT) Greenwich Mean Time : Dublin, Edinburgh]131-849-388
Fundamentos de MarketingFrancisco CoelhoThursday, 15 November 2007 02:35 PM  [(GMT) Greenwich Mean Time : Dublin, Edinburgh]131-866-126
Fundamentos de MarketingFrancisco CoelhoThursday, 15 November 2007 09:35 AM  [(GMT) Greenwich Mean Time : Dublin, Edinburgh]131-897-071
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Monday, November 12, 2007

Aulas AV (Semana 46)

clipped from www.yugma.com




Meeting Id

Fundamentos de MarketingFrancisco CoelhoTuesday, 13 November 2007 07:05 PM  [(GMT) Greenwich Mean Time : Dublin, Edinburgh]131-637-693
Fundamentos de MarketingFrancisco CoelhoTuesday, 13 November 2007 09:35 AM  [(GMT) Greenwich Mean Time : Dublin, Edinburgh]131-670-685
Plano de MarketingFrancisco CoelhoMonday, 12 November 2007 06:00 PM  [(GMT) Greenwich Mean Time : Dublin, Edinburgh]131-673-267
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Thursday, November 08, 2007

Aulas MT

clipped from www.yugma.com




Meeting Id

Fundamentos de MarketingFrancisco CoelhoFriday, 09 November 2007 07:35 PM  [(GMT) Greenwich Mean Time : Dublin, Edinburgh]131-294-701
Fundamentos de MarketingFrancisco CoelhoThursday, 08 November 2007 07:35 PM  [(GMT) Greenwich Mean Time : Dublin, Edinburgh]131-259-176
Fundamentos de MarketingFrancisco CoelhoThursday, 08 November 2007 02:35 PM  [(GMT) Greenwich Mean Time : Dublin, Edinburgh]131-212-268
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Aulas MT

clipped from www.yugma.com




Meeting Id

Fundamentos de MarketingFrancisco CoelhoThursday, 08 November 2007 09:40 AM  [(GMT) Greenwich Mean Time : Dublin, Edinburgh]131-220-105
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Sunday, November 04, 2007

Ipam AV (Aulas semana 45)

clipped from www.yugma.com




Meeting Id

Fundamentos de MarketingFrancisco CoelhoTuesday, 06 November 2007 07:05 PM  [(GMT) Greenwich Mean Time : Dublin, Edinburgh]130-863-638
Fundamentos de MarketingFrancisco CoelhoTuesday, 06 November 2007 09:30 AM  [(GMT) Greenwich Mean Time : Dublin, Edinburgh]130-821-609
Plano de MarketingFrancisco CoelhoMonday, 05 November 2007 07:05 PM  [(GMT) Greenwich Mean Time : Dublin, Edinburgh]130-805-070
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Friday, November 02, 2007

The Future that has already happened...again

clipped from www.time.com
Venturi Electric Inventors Inventions Best of the Rest 2007

Autonomous Automobile

The trouble with most green-concept cars is that they require regular "refueling" with hard-to-get hydrogen or ethanol. The Venturi Eclectic runs solely on wind and solar power. Solar cells blanket the rooftop, and a wind turbine provides extra juice. When that's not enough, a backup electric outlet can recharge the three-seat Eclectic in five hours.

Available: 2008


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Thursday, November 01, 2007

Fundamentos de Marketing (MT)

clipped from www.yugma.com




Meeting Id

Fundamentos de MarketingFrancisco CoelhoFriday, 02 November 2007 07:35 PM  [(GMT) Greenwich Mean Time : Dublin, Edinburgh]130-582-971
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Tuesday, October 30, 2007

SIgn of times...

clipped from www.iab.net

Historic Internet Advertising Revenues: First Half of ’07 Hits $10 billion, Q2 ’07 Exceeds $5 Billion for First Time

The Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB) and PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) released the IAB Internet Advertising Revenue Report covering the second quarter and the first six months of 2007. Internet advertising revenues (U.S.) for the first six months of 2007 were nearly $10 billion, setting yet another new record and representing a nearly 27 percent increase over the first half of 2006. Internet advertising revenue totaled nearly $5.1 billion for the second quarter of 2007, exceeding the $5 billion mark for the first time in a quarter, a 25.4 percent increase over the same period in 2006.

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Monday, October 29, 2007

Aula Aveiro (semana 44)

clipped from www.yugma.com




Meeting Id

Fundamentos de MarketingFrancisco CoelhoTuesday, 30 October 2007 07:35 PM  [(GMT) Greenwich Mean Time : Dublin, Edinburgh]130-274-242
Fundamentos de MarketingFrancisco CoelhoTuesday, 30 October 2007 09:35 AM  [(GMT) Greenwich Mean Time : Dublin, Edinburgh]130-260-226
Plano de MarketingFrancisco CoelhoMonday, 29 October 2007 07:35 PM  [(GMT) Greenwich Mean Time : Dublin, Edinburgh]130-241-400
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A Marketing Philosophy

A trader, whoever he is, is only the public server, or a public server; and he gets paid, the so-called profit, for having assured that service. Therefore, those who serve must seek the satisfaction of those who are served. So, it is necessary to study them – but without prejudice or anticipation - we mustn’t assume that the others think exactly like us, or should think like us - because usually they don’t -, but we have to consider that, if we really want to serve the others (with or without a profit), we should start thinking like them. What we have to figure out is how they effectively think, and not how nice or convenient we would expect them to think.*
Pessoa, Fernando (1926). A evolução do comércio. Revista de Comércio e Contabilidade. N.º 3, 25 Mar.

*Tradução do texto original por Francisco Coelho

Sunday, October 28, 2007

With color it's...much better...

Magic : colored advertising - kewego
Magic : colored advertising - kewego

Magic : colored advertising - kewego
If your friend forgets one day to take care about his look, there is now a new solution to your problem : just push him into the washing machine, he'll come out sexy, cute, and... totally different!
Video from caroouk

Friday, October 26, 2007

What a doctor...

Totally Unbelievable!

Still very true...

Thursday, October 25, 2007

The Future that has already happened...

October 18, 2007, 12:01AM EST

text size: TT

Skype Goes Mobile

Skype's new cell phone will deliver mobile access to its service. The beleaguered carrier hopes to jump-start revenues overseas


Bit by bit, big names in the computing world are barging into the cell-phone business. First came Apple's (AAPL) game-changing iPhone. Next came word that Google (GOOG) is creating its own software platform for a new breed of cell phones. Now Skype (EBAY), which popularized free and cheap phone calls over the Internet, is set to launch a customized cell phone developed jointly with 3 Mobile, a wireless carrier in Europe, Asia, and Australia.

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Tuesday, October 23, 2007


clipped from www.abcnews.go.com

Broccoli May Cut Skin Cancer Risk

Veggie Sprout Extract May Help Bolster Skin's Defenses Against Sun Damage

ABC News Medical Unit

Oct. 22, 2007—

"Don't forget to eat your broccoli."

It is likely that few, if any, of us never heard these words of advice from our parents at one time or another.

Less often heard was that extracts from broccoli, when applied to the skin, may provide health benefits as well.

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Fundamentos de Marketing (MT)

clipped from www.yugma.com




Meeting Id

Fundamentos de MarketingFrancisco CoelhoFriday, 26 October 2007 07:30 PM  [(GMT) Greenwich Mean Time : Dublin, Edinburgh]129-625-116
Fundamentos de MarketingFrancisco CoelhoThursday, 25 October 2007 07:30 PM  [(GMT) Greenwich Mean Time : Dublin, Edinburgh]129-622-404
Fundamentos de MarketingFrancisco CoelhoThursday, 25 October 2007 02:30 PM  [(GMT) Greenwich Mean Time : Dublin, Edinburgh]129-693-141
Fundamentos de MarketingFrancisco CoelhoThursday, 25 October 2007 09:30 AM  [(GMT) Greenwich Mean Time : Dublin, Edinburgh]129-637-930
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